



巴菲特访谈 2

巴菲特访谈 2

原作者: CNBC  |  译者: LINYAN  |  发表时间:今天 13:24:20

>  -"在我的生活中我已经拥有我想要的东西了,我在20岁的时候离开学校,一直都在从事我现在所做的职业,我告诉那些学生你们没有生活在伊拉克,你们远离 那里的生活,你们在寒冷的冬天里有暖气,在炎热的夏季有空调,你们可以看电视知道外面世界发生的事情,你们拥有你们想要的东西,你们可以做一切你们想要做 的事情,我在21岁的时候生活就很好了,吃的东西和现在一样,尽管我现在穿着比当时昂贵的衣服,但看起来却很便宜,所有的东西都一样,几乎没有改变过什 么,我还是住在原先的房子里,,所以最重要的事情是,你要做你自己喜欢做的事情,我认为这是我生活中最奢侈的了,当你可以做到这一点的时候,当你身边有许 多极好的朋友时候,这就足够了,你拥有了一切,而这些我都有了."
-"我们经常都在讨论如何使生意更好的运转,我们在投资使犯了什么错误,IBM应该如何做的更好,我知道我要花一身的时间才能知道他经营管理的模式",这 位在世界上富豪榜上排名第二的有钱人他的投资方法是简单而又不紧不急的,他的口袋里没有手机,办公桌上没有电脑,饿的时候就吃汉堡薯条可乐,他选择了G4 而不是商业(????),但他也拥有美国最大的汽船公司,Buffett的生活和他经商的方式相似,一切都是公开化的."
-"不,我认为那样生活就失去了乐趣,我喜欢过着我20岁时的生活,我喜欢那样的生活,我喜欢呆在家里,我喜欢穿着便装,做我喜欢做的事情,我不是很喜欢 社交活动,我知道我自己喜欢做什么事情,换种方法做事情你就不会感到那么辛苦了,你不用太在意你花了多少钱,只要你花的钱和你所赚的保持平衡就可以了.我 的女儿就住在离这里两个街区的地方."
这位亿万富翁的办公室里甚至没有沙发,他开的车是他近来在拍卖会上买的2006KELLECT DTS,老牌的林肯车????"
在美国YMU stern学校的一个教授告诉我们他觉得是奥马哈使Buffett获得成功的.


-"well,i had everything i want on my life,i mean when i started out at the age of 20,when i get out of the school,i mean i was having my life doing what i did,you know i told the student that come out they did not live in the Iraq far away,i mean,you know,they are warm in the winter and cool in the summer,then watch the world serious,they can do anything in the world i mean that they are literaly but not???,so i was living great when i was 21 years old,i was eating the same thing i eat now,you know that my cloth much more expensive now,but they look cheap mark when i put on,you know,everything is pretty much the same i live on the house on my life actually,so really,getting to do which love to do everyday,that's the all my luxury and particullarly when you could do it,the terrific people around you,an so that's not any greedy about it,i had it."
-"and that's the way stay honest,yach,well,you know i mean what i need to ..if i were need nobody never to know what i actual sense,i mean i never had two kids,second home,you know i ???store,something because i had never to do."
when we come back,what's the life that have that much money,you will be surprised,we'll show you how the honerable Buffett lives and why the world's most famous investor stays 1250 miles away from the New York in the Braskcorn country.
-"well,what we were talking about how business works and mistakes that have been made you know what should IBM have done,what should business done,just to see the way he thought through maybe realize that i could talk to my whole life."
the second richest man on the planet lives the way he invests,simply and without much fast,no noterrush,no cellphone in his pocket,no computer on his desk when he is hungry,it's burgers and flies and cherry coca,he does choose the G4 instead of commercial but then again he basically owns net jets,the country's biggest traditional practional jet on the ship business,Buffett's life seems to hear his deals,it's all transprant,what he see is what you get.
-"you turn 76 in August."
-"that's right,August 30."
-"Happy Birthday."
-"Thank you."
-"how do you feel?"
-"i married on August,i can remenber my anniversary."
-"which a lot of men can say they do."
-"that's true,and congratulation!"
-"thank you!"
Buffett married his longtime companion Astramaks at the low key ceremony at his daughter Susan's house."
-"it seems like a pivotal point in your life."
-"A lot of things happened within that years all been good."
-"and you well?"
-"yach couldn't be better,couldn't be better."
-"i don't take care myself.but..."
-"why not?"
-"i don't think that need to,you know why you right if it gonna things..i feel good."
-"you don't exercise?"
-"well,i do,my daughter gave me a choice about 2 years ago,she said either you eat better or you exercise and i said i exercise."
-"and you took the less?"
-"yeach less do either."
-"Because shareholder need owners,want you healthy."
-"i want to be healthy too.i'm amazingly healthy"
healthy and surprisingly down to earth.Buffett looks around freely unencoumbed by security detail.he has few guards with him during any shareholders meeting,but he says he doesn't feel the need to put himself in the cookcoon."
-"you did go to Isreal,it's an investment in near a war zone,i saw the vedio you walking around,airplanes screaming over and patrolling,did that worry you at all?"
-"no,not at least.our planes stay at about 10 miles in the eastern port.and they work,maybe Iraq too,the park something sort,but what you know,it can be dangerous in this country, i mean,who you thought is the no dangerous place should be?"
-"did you worry shareholders?did you hear from them about going to Isreal during that time?"
-"i've heard a few people,but,they just understand,i mean,i mean,they are share business,i,i had sent infrequently then,so i don't worry about something like that."
-"but some CEOs are told security by details,they don't want to go with the elevator with any other person you are not like that."
-"no ,it's no fun living that way was,i mean it's practical matter,i like the way i was living when i was 20 years,i still like that way i mean,i like,i like to go home when i wear sweater suit,do what i like to do,i don't go pratically social functions normal,i know what i enjoy,it doesn't tired in many ways,it doesnt tire how much money,i mean you spend equal you cost daughter was about 2 blocks away from there."
Buffett is comfortable here in the Omaha,in part,because people will even alone with the exception of the random fanner,too.
-"somebody want to say hi"
-"hi,how are you,this is the first time i've met a billionaire."
-"he is always the first."
-"take care."
this billionaire doesnt even have a sofar he drive himself around in the 2006KELLECT DTS recently purchased from auction,the old Lincon town car,famous forest,50 licence plate.
-"you do not want to accumulate a lot of things?"
-"no,most the twice paying that act,i mean i fire a boat,you know i have a cruel six day(???????????????????????)would be going on i would care about much easier from that both right?"
-"but what's your indulter?"
-"when you know,if i get one of the feature in TV,naturally watch CNBC,be honest,to watch the basketball play,a good football game,and i should eat popcorn and i mean,wear sweater suit,i mean enjoying during life."
-"you are happy."
-"i'm happy"
-"a man of simple means"
-"then i'm long happier than if i'll manage huge cruel wise???????keeping green ???????,i mean,i'm not knocking out anybody like that,that's fine,but i know what i like.but i like watching the ??to be touched they didn't do last week."
it's really no surprise then that american's most prominent investor choose to live far from the nation's money delete in New York,Los Angeles,Chicago,Miami,the reason is critical to his success.
-"Welcome to Omaha!"
-"that's it."
-"and you never left here?"
-except when i ?????????????"
-"do you think stay in Omaha has made you a better investor?"
-"yach,i mean i had to know everyday,so its also stimulation,you know what i mean ,you know a good idea either,so i think i can think better out of here last destruction."
"someone invest250 billion dollars..."Mike F in Omaha,he knows Buffett for25 years.
-"he is comfortable here,he knows the city,he knows the people here,he has relationships here,most business imperson relationships,so i think he is more happy be right in Omaha,i mean he lives the same house for long i can remember,he is not the gay who moves around very easy."
ask waht do more than is the professor at YMU stern school business,he feels Buffett's success is direct result of the living in the Brusk.
-"i think what i learn in Buffett's body is what important to taking for yourself not letting other advices,other experts tell you what the right stock to invest because they are coming from a very different places than you are.and i think,being in Omaha might give the advantage because you don't have the constant exposure to what  the rest of the world the things you have in the New York."
-"yach,i mean,you play baseball in the street of the Omaha and you know i still sees kids went to ???that school ???so you know,that's sensitive community in living here."
-"it's home."
-"yach,it's home.thats for??pain you know,the follow???about you meet is about going Omaha insurance saleman,yach,they were actually you remember."
-"and you always stay in the???"
-"i've been that house now for 48 years,i pay 31500 dollars to buy that,it's a wonderful man"
-"so you 've never want to be big CEO type manager."
-"i've everything i had."
-"you've got the all"
-"i've got the everything i need."



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