(路透社- 苏黎世消息)财富经理们正力劝其百万富翁级客户们在股市平稳之前售出股票、增加现金,等待股市下跌提供新的买入机会。
"如果你希望从股市长期投资中获益,你就必须接受一些暂时的损失 ",瑞士银行Wegelin&Co.的一位合伙人 Magne Orgland说。(译者注:建立于1741年的 Wegelin & Co.是瑞士最早的私人银行)
Citi Private Bank( C.N)的投资顾问Laurence Stoppelman建议,"保持冷静,直到此次危机对经济形势的影响日趋明朗,我们不希望陷入恐慌性抛售中",他说,私人银行并没有劝客户们减持其股票投资。(译者注: Citi Private Bank是花旗集团的子公司, 其客户的帐户金额至少在1000万美元以上。)
瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse )称,未来三个月内股票市场将继续面临下跌压力,因此建议减持股票,转成现金,等到风暴结束,客户们可以逢低买入。(译者注:目前,瑞士信贷集团是世界上最大的金融集团之一,资产总值达到4350亿美元,管理资产超过 9760亿美元。)
"我们对目前形势持观望态度,随时准备行动,我们看到很多利好因素,但目前,股市表现并不理性",瑞士信贷集团( CSGN.VX)的股票战略分析师Adrean Zuercher 说。
诸如黄金、黄金期货和资本保值衍生物这类防守型金融工具是投资多元化和在股市下跌中保值的另一种方式。"我们认为应该从单纯股票投资中走出来", Helvetia Wealth首席执行官Kamil Stender说,"我们希望为客户建立防守型投资组合。" (Helvetia Wealth是一家位于瑞士苏黎世的私人银行)
分析人士认为,私人银行比商业银行和投资银行更能看作投资风向标,他们的客户通常很少在危机时期投资信贷衍生品,而Bear Stearns Cos.(BSC.N)这样的投资银行成为此次危机中最早的受害者,损失了两支抵押贷款基金。(译者注:The Bear Stearns Companies, Inc 是全球最大的投资银行之一,1923年成立于美国纽约。)
EFG国际(EFGN.S )称其对总资产配置做出了小幅调整以应对危机。 "由于Bear Stearns 危机破产,我们减少了股票投资",EFG国际( EFG.N)高级投资人员William Ramsay说。"最近我们开始逐步增加投资到危机之前的水平",他说。(译者注: EFG International于1995年由 EFG集团建立,该集团总部位于瑞士日内瓦,主要为个人和机构提供私人银行和资产管理服务。)
Hide now, buy later, wealth managers say
ZURICH (Reuters) - Wealth managers are urging millionaire clients to sell shares and build up cash until stock markets settle and low prices provide new buying opportunities.
The market rout has unnerved some private investors, bankers said on Friday, even though the unfolding crisis seems largely contained to financial markets for now and looks unlikely to impact the still healthy broader economy.
"There are always some clients that get nervous, but they are the exception. If you want to make money in equities in the long run, you have to accept some volatility," said Magne Orgland, a partner at Swiss bank Wegelin & Co.
"总有一些客户开始变得紧张,但他们没有。如果你希望从股市长期投资中获益,你就必须接受一些暂时的损失",瑞士银行Wegelin&Co.( 译者注: 建立于1741年的Wegelin & Co.是瑞士最早的私人银行)的一位合伙人Magne Orgland说。
Wegelin has reduced equity exposure in managed portfolios twice within a time-span of two weeks, cutting allocation in a balanced portfolio to 40 percent from 50 percent on July 27, and down again to 30 percent last week.
Rich clients -- often defined as anyone having $1 million or more in free investable assets -- are a formidable force on financial markets, holding an estimated $37 trillion in assets worldwide, a number that is rapidly growing.
Stock markets leapt on Friday after the U.S. Federal Reserve unexpectedly cut its discount rate, saying deteriorating financial conditions were a downside risk to growth.
However, most of this year's gains on equity markets have evaporated, as investors panicked because of fears that havoc in the credit markets in the wake of the U.S. subprime crisis could turn into a global liquidity crunch.
"The message to our clients is: 'let's stay calm until we're having some of the heavy fog cleared up and have some visibility on the impact of this crisis," said Laurence Stoppelman, an investment counsellor at Citi Private Bank (C.N).
"对我们客户这意味着:保持冷静,直到此次危机对经济形势的影响日趋明朗",Citi私人银行(C.N)的一位投资顾问Laurence Stoppelman说。( 译者注:Citi Private Bank是花旗集团的子公司,其客户的帐户金额至少在1000万美元以上。目前为全球最成功和最有影响力的25000个家庭提供投资服务。)
"We don't want to be caught up in panic selling," he said, adding that the private bank had not told clients to reduce their equity exposure.
Equity markets would continue to be under pressure for up to three months, Credit Suisse (瑞士信贷集团)said, and it too had cut equity exposure and put the money into cash, to wait until the storm was over and clients could pick up cheap deals.
瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse)称,未来三个月内股票市场将继续面临下跌压力,因此建议减持股票,转成现金,等到风暴结束,客户们可以逢低买入。(译者注:目前,瑞士信贷集团是世界上最大的金融集团之一,资产总值达到4350亿美元, 管理资产超过9760亿美元。按全球收入计算,瑞士信贷集团居世界第二位;按资本基础计算,瑞士信贷集团居世界第16位。集团的投资银行部CSFB是全球最大的五家投资银行之一;私人银行部资产总值为2800亿美元,居世界第二位。瑞士信贷集团现有雇员63000人,其中60%在瑞士本土,其余则分布在世界各地。)
"We want to be on the sidelines in order to act at the right moment. We're seeing a lot of value, but at the moment, the equity markets just aren't behaving rationally," said Adrian Zuercher, an equity strategist at Credit Suisse (CSGN.VX).
"我们对目前形势持观望态度,随时准备行动,我们看到很多利好因素,但目前,股市表现并不理性",瑞士信贷集团(CSGN.VX)的股票战略分析师Adrean Zuercher说。
Banks had been particularly hard-hit by the sell-off, Zuercher said, and the European banking sector was now trading at its lowest multiple in several years and was even cheaper than before a long-lasting market rally starting in 2003.
With credit costs rising, hedge funds and others borrowing heavily to do business would have a hard time refinancing and would try to pull out of highly-leveraged activities, Zuercher said. Some players could even collapse.
Defensive instruments such as gold and gold futures and capital-protected derivatives were another way to diversify and protect money against turmoil on the equity market.
"We've taken the view to come out of all pure equity plays," said Kamil Stender, Chief Executive at Helvetia Wealth.
"我们认为应该从纯粹的股票投资中走出来",Helvetia Wealth首席执行官Kamil Stender说。(Helvetia Wealth是一家位于瑞士苏黎世的私人银行,为资产超过25万美元的私人投资者提供服务,为资产超过1000万美元的家庭提供家庭办公服务)
"We are looking to build client portfolios into a more defensive battleship mode. Whenever there are stormy waters in the market, sometimes your most prudent action is to pull down the sail and find a port," he said.
Private bankers are seen weathering the crisis better than commercial and investment banks, analysts have said, because they act as financial intermediaries and do not take investment risks on their balance sheet.
Their clients usually have little exposure to the credit derivatives at the heart of the crisis, which found a first high-profile victim when investment bank Bear Stearns Cos. (BSC.N) had to bail out two of its mortgage funds.
他们的客户通常很少在危机时期投资信贷衍生品,而Bear Stearns Cos.( BSC.N)这样的投资银行成为此次危机中最早的受害者,损失了两支抵押贷款基金。(译者注:The Bear Stearns Companies, Inc. (NYSE: BSC)是全球最大的投资银行、证券交易商和破产公司之一,1923年成立于美国纽约。)
EFG International (EFGN.S) said it had made little shifts in overall asset allocation in the wake of the crisis.
EFG国际(EFGN.S)称其对总资产配置做出了小幅调整以应对危机。( 译者注:EFG International于1995年由EFG银行欧洲金融集团苏黎世支行建立,EFG集团总部位于瑞士日内瓦,主要为个人和机构提供私人银行和资产管理服务。)
"We did however reduce exposure to equities as the Bear Stearns crisis broke," said William Ramsay, Chief Investment Officer at EFG International (EFG.N).
"由于Bear Stearns危机破产,我们减少了股票投资",EFG国际( EFG.N)高级投资人员William Ramsay说。
"We have recently begun very gradually to increase exposure back towards the levels held ahead of the crisis," he said.
Hide now, buy later, wealth managers say
ZURICH (Reuters) - Wealth managers are urging millionaire clients to sell shares and build up cash until stock markets settle and low prices provide new buying opportunities.
The market rout has unnerved some private investors, bankers said on Friday, even though the unfolding crisis seems largely contained to financial markets for now and looks unlikely to impact the still healthy broader economy.
"There are always some clients that get nervous, but they are the exception. If you want to make money in equities in the long run, you have to accept some volatility," said Magne Orgland, a partner at Swiss bank Wegelin & Co.
Wegelin has reduced equity exposure in managed portfolios twice within a time-span of two weeks, cutting allocation in a balanced portfolio to 40 percent from 50 percent on July 27, and down again to 30 percent last week.
Rich clients -- often defined as anyone having $1 million or more in free investable assets -- are a formidable force on financial markets, holding an estimated $37 trillion in assets worldwide, a number that is rapidly growing.
Stock markets leapt on Friday after the U.S. Federal Reserve unexpectedly cut its discount rate, saying deteriorating financial conditions were a downside risk to growth.
However, most of this year's gains on equity markets have evaporated, as investors panicked because of fears that havoc in the credit markets in the wake of the U.S. subprime crisis could turn into a global liquidity crunch.
"The message to our clients is: 'let's stay calm until we're having some of the heavy fog cleared up and have some visibility on the impact of this crisis," said Laurence Stoppelman, an investment counsellor at Citi Private Bank (C.N).
"We don't want to be caught up in panic selling," he said, adding that the private bank had not told clients to reduce their equity exposure.
Equity markets would continue to be under pressure for up to three months, Credit Suisse said, and it too had cut equity exposure and put the money into cash, to wait until the storm was over and clients could pick up cheap deals.
"We want to be on the sidelines in order to act at the right moment. We're seeing a lot of value, but at the moment, the equity markets just aren't behaving rationally," said Adrian Zuercher, an equity strategist at Credit Suisse (CSGN.VX).
Banks had been particularly hard-hit by the sell-off, Zuercher said, and the European banking sector was now trading at its lowest multiple in several years and was even cheaper than before a long-lasting market rally starting in 2003.
With credit costs rising, hedge funds and others borrowing heavily to do business would have a hard time refinancing and would try to pull out of highly-leveraged activities, Zuercher said. Some players could even collapse.
Defensive instruments such as gold and gold futures and capital-protected derivatives were another way to diversify and protect money against turmoil on the equity market.
"We've taken the view to come out of all pure equity plays," said Kamil Stender, Chief Executive at Helvetia Wealth.
"We are looking to build client portfolios into a more defensive battleship mode. Whenever there are stormy waters in the market, sometimes your most prudent action is to pull down the sail and find a port," he said.
Private bankers are seen weathering the crisis better than commercial and investment banks, analysts have said, because they act as financial intermediaries and do not take investment risks on their balance sheet.
Their clients usually have little exposure to the credit derivatives at the heart of the crisis, which found a first high-profile victim when investment bank Bear Stearns Cos. (BSC.N) had to bail out two of its mortgage funds.
EFG International (EFGN.S) said it had made little shifts in overall asset allocation in the wake of the crisis.
"We did however reduce exposure to equities as the Bear Stearns crisis broke," said William Ramsay, Chief Investment Officer at EFG International (EFG.N).
"We have recently begun very gradually to increase exposure back towards the levels held ahead of the crisis," he said.
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